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Year-Round Environmental Education


Beginning in 2024, the Sea & Learn Foundation (SLF) will deliver year-round environmental programs, supported by the Nature and Environmental Policy Plan (NEPP).


Specific topics being addressed by SLF with the Saba community include nature education, waste management, agriculture and healthy living, erosion, reforestation, and coral restoration. SLF has also developed an ongoing, sustained program focusing on the 6th grade students at Sacred Heart School on Saba, called “Science SEAkers”, with each month of the school year being dedicated to different focus areas within NEPP. SLF will also be working in collaboration with other project leaders on the island, increasing awareness and understanding of the necessity of the projects with the aim of supporting behavioral change on the island towards more environmentally friendly and sustainable behavior and healthier eating habits.


These programs are supported by the Nature and Environment Policy Plan (NEPP) as part of the Public Entity’s aim to increase awareness among the community and to support more environmentally friendly and sustainable practices. The various calendars are updated throughout the year. Monitor the calendars for updates on activities, workshops, venues, and more. 


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