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Welcome to Create & Learn


The first Create & Learn was a month-long program held in May 2018 with 12 artists of different skills. We then re-launched this program in 2023 with a bit of a different approach and are happily bringing it back once again in 2025!


There will be 4 events in 2025, a total of 8 artists with 2 artists showcased at each event. Event dates and times are currently being scheduled. Please monitor our website for more updates.​


Click on the "Artists" tab below to read 2025 artists' bios, see their work and register for a workshop! Materials are included in the price of each workshop. The registration fee confirms your spot at a workshop and supports the artist. Each workshop ensures you will bring home your own hand-crafted product.  


Enhance your creative potential!


Whether you hope to learn a new artform or improve a technique or just get together with like-minded people, look forward to four fun, creative events!


Many crafts traditional to Saba and the greater Caribbean region have been incorporated into the program.  The artists will also work with Saba's youth, elderly and disadvantaged adults. Our goal is to inspire a new generation of creativity while reinforcing the values of traditional craftsmanship and art forms. 

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